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That's a hard place to be.
I can help.

Struggling? Feeling flat, frustrated...
You're sure things could be better,
but you're not sure what to do...



There is a way.


It's not a way out,

it's a way THROUGH.


You know it's time...

  • Become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, actions and the impact of your past.


  • New choices and change are ultimately up to you.


  • You are ALWAYS in control.


  • Life can get better.


Begin your journey... get in touch 

I'm John. I was born in the mid-1960s and have travelled a long way to become who I am now.


In my early 50s, my marriage ended and my life fell apart in almost every way a life can fall apart. I felt completely empty, had no energy, little hope, no goals and I was miserable. I was on autopilot, wondering if that was my new normal.


Months later, I decided I needed to make some changes. I wanted to transform my life, but didn’t know what to do. I found help and began this work, starting from the inside out... it wasn't easy.


A very important moment was when I found the courage to stop running from my past. I stopped, turned and acknowledged that past. It was the beginning of deep change for me, and marked the true beginning of my journey. 


I noticed that instead of running and pretending the difficulties and pain hadn't happened, I could own my past and learn from my experiences. I learned that I am a tough, resilient man, not in spite of, but because of those challenges. I now honour and acknowledge that past. I reconnected with parts of myself that needed attention, cried, got angry, wrote, spoke and let go of old emotional injuries (trauma - both big T and little t) that I had carried for years. I gradually became more whole than I have ever been, became completely alive, full of energy and very clear about how I want to live my life and who I want to be. 


It was messy and definitely did NOT happen in a straight line, but I got here. My life is fantastic. I’m in charge… not my past, not the things that happened to me or were said to me, not the doubts I carried, but me. I’ve carefully chosen the pieces that make up my life. It’s not perfect... and that’s perfect!

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John has a natural, warm and very safe presence.

To be supported by John is to be held in the hands of a very safe, solid therapist, who is invested in your healing and well-being. 

I would highly recommend!!!!! 
Carly C.

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Contact Info


Tel: 604-831-2700

© 2023 by Wise Mountain Counselling Services

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