There is a way.
It's not a way out,
it's a way THROUGH.
You know it's time...
Become more aware of your thoughts, emotions, actions and the impact of your past.
New choices and change are ultimately up to you.
You are ALWAYS in control.
Life can get better.

Begin your journey... get in touch
I'm John. I was born in the mid-1960s and have travelled a long way to become who I am now.
In my early 50s, my marriage ended and my life fell apart in almost every way a life can fall apart. I felt completely empty, had no energy, little hope, no goals and I was miserable. I was on autopilot, wondering if that was my new normal.
Months later, I decided I needed to make some changes. I wanted to transform my life, but didn’t know what to do. I found help and began this work, starting from the inside out... it wasn't easy.
A very important moment was when I found the courage to stop running from my past. I stopped, turned and acknowledged that past. It was the beginning of deep change for me, and marked the true beginning of my journey.
I noticed that instead of running and pretending the difficulties and pain hadn't happened, I could own my past and learn from my experiences. I learned that I am a tough, resilient man, not in spite of, but because of those challenges. I now honour and acknowledge that past. I reconnected with parts of myself that needed attention, cried, got angry, wrote, spoke and let go of old emotional injuries (trauma - both big T and little t) that I had carried for years. I gradually became more whole than I have ever been, became completely alive, full of energy and very clear about how I want to live my life and who I want to be.
It was messy and definitely did NOT happen in a straight line, but I got here. My life is fantastic. I’m in charge… not my past, not the things that happened to me or were said to me, not the doubts I carried, but me. I’ve carefully chosen the pieces that make up my life. It’s not perfect... and that’s perfect!